Pigment to Pixel - artworks

La Dolce Vita.

A Sunday at the Jerusalem Tavern.

A nectarine from Sarah.

Yellow tulips with frozen sardines.




Parliament in Spring.

Carnation glory.

Green Tea with peach. Arepa & Co., London.

Breakfast Smoothie.

Victor's Amaryllis.

Good Lemonade.

Orange and blue.

BRASSO & Pomegranate.

Green bell pepper.

La Chinata. Smoked paprika powder.

Made in Shelley. Vase No.8437/B

Bonheur on a windy night.

Back yard green doors.

Dusk towards Walberswick church.

Quattros Pomodoro.

Sables. Annick Goutal.

All artwork, text and images © James Straffon 2024.